What a happy baby!
Just wanted to show you how we travel with Preston.

We got to go see snow in Turkey. We went up to a ski resort that is about 4 hours away. The bad news was that it was awful weather. It was blowing so hard that they had to shut down the ski lifts. Eric did get one run in, but the wind was so bad that he was going so slow down the mountain. This is the only picture that we got. It is the view out of our hotel.

This was an amazing acrhced wall that went on for at least 1 mile.

kaya kiliseleri

We went on a hike, and Preston wanted to do a little rock climbing. He's pretty good for as little as he is.

We found this amazing place while coming back from snowboarding. First off it is in a valley that is just beautiful. It looks like they had the temple on one side and the community on the other. These pictures do not give it justice.

These two pictures are inside of the temple. It was very well intact. If you look closely you can see Eric and Preston right in the middle of the first one.

This is the front of the temple. It lookes like the movie of Indiana Jones that they show of the temple etched into the rock.

This is on the other side of the valley. All of the holes are where the people once lived. We couldn't get a good enough picture, but we could see stairs etched into the rock leading way up to the top of the rock. It looked very dangerous to climb.

He is getting so big!

Preston after getting his bath

Preston can sleep anywhere

What you don't see in this picture is a vacume right
next to Preston. We couldn't get him to go to sleep
so when we turn the vacume on he went right to sleep

We were getting ready to leave for church and Preston was asleep so we had to wake him up to put him in his car seat. We sat him up for a second and he started to fall back a sleep. He slowly slid down to his stomach for a more comfortable position to keep sleeping. we were laughing at him! He satarted to glare up at us with a look that told us how dare we be so noisy while he was sleeping.

Eric always finds a way to hurt himself. He fell, hit his bad knee and sprained his wrist. (But it is a lot of fun.) It helpes us to fill the void of not being able to wakeboard.