We were wanting to take a trip over the long weekend but didn't know where to go. Eric called me Friday afternoon and told me to pack a bag for me and Preston. He didn't tell me where we were going just that I needed to bring a lot of warm clothing and a swim suit. The swim suit ws throwing me off. He came home from work, packed and then we were off. We were heading to Grandpa and Grandma Lemen's house in Oregon. We were staying the night then all of us were heading out in the morning. The secret did not last long. The one person who thought he coul keep a secret blew it. My father in-law. We were going to the beach and staying at a resort right next to the ocean. On are last day we quickly got a family photo in the morning. It was so cold that morning!
Preston's first time on the Oregon Cost. He was so excited. When we first took him out of the car he had the biggest grin on his face and could not wait to go explore. The only thing he did not like was the waves coming in towards him. I think he got scared because the first time he went a little to far out and Grandpa had to grab his hand and pull him towards the beach.We tried to fix our mistake of making it scarey, but when a wave would start to come in he would run to who ever was the closest and try to climb up their leg.
We found some dums that the boys got to play on. The girls got to go into Fred Meyer to do some baby girl shopping.
Eric getting the kite ready for Preston to hold. Preston also LOVED doing this. He saw us buy the kite, but we did a lot of sight seeing the the morning and was planning on flying the kite after his nap. The whole morning he would say, "Kite now." The wind was blowing pretty hard and Preston was fighting to hold onto the handle. It was super cute.
go preston go love ya grandma martin
you guys are so awesome! the coast is just gorgeous!! and I loved your videos! I thought preston was going to take off with the kite for a bit there! haha I also laughed pretty hard with the four wheeler, every time he pushed the throttle his little head goes flying back, haha! We for sure have to come visit you guys, it looks like you are all having a blast and doing so well!! miss you!
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